It is with great joy that we report that all of our support has been raised! And then some! God is so good! We are excited as we looked toward the next few weeks that draw us closer and closer to South Africa.
That being said, these next few weeks we are at home will be very busy with packing and planning and sorting through everything we have. We are planning on having at least one garage sale to sell whatever we can. Since we will be gone for 2 years (with the potential of more), we don't want to rent storage space. We can't go to South Africa with much, so we'd like to sell as much as we can!
We plan to leave St. Louis the last week of July and begin our trek to Florida. We will have a few days there and then we will be attending General Council. After that week, we will be on our way to South Africa with a group of young people. Once we are on the field, we will begin on the job training. What better way to learn than to jump right in, right? :) We can hardly wait!
We know that when we leave St. Louis, it will be a bitter-sweet departure. We have wonderful family here and close friends and co-workers, but we know that we have to go where the Lord calls us. We go knowing full well that we are in His good will. We are extremely blessed to have family that supports us 110%.
Recently I (Kelly) was talking to my mother-in-law, and she was telling me how she heard from someone who lived in South Africa, that the hospitals there are wonderful and the staff treats the patients so well. This really eased her mind about if we have children while overseas. It eased our minds too! That thought was always in our heads, and we knew that if the Lord blessed us with children over there, that He would take care of us.
Thank you again to all of our supporters who made this possible for us. We serve an awesome God, and we are ready to get to South Africa and minister to their youth and children.