Sunday, April 11, 2010

The First Two Months...

It is hard for us to imagine that we have been back in South Africa for over 2 months now. Our time here keeps going faster and faster, and we are enjoying every minute of it!

During these first two months, we have learned how to successfully incorporate sports into ministry outreaches, and we are currently planning several events during the World Cup this summer. We are blessed to have been a part of distributing over 34,000 Books of Hope to South Africa's youth and children.

For the next two weeks, we will be in the Free State (a neighboring province in South Africa), where we will be holding more school assemblies and distributing more Books of Hope to more children and youth. We are so excited to be a part of such a vibrant and relevant ministry. We will be partnering with a local church that will do follow up with the students that receive God's Word, as well as continue the ministry once we leave.

Beginning in June, we will be hosting enough soccer clinics to last 5 weeks straight. This will take place during the World Cup. Please pray for us as we finalize all the details involved. Our goal is to reach over 13,000 children and youth with the Gospel. This is such an exciting time for the people of South Africa, and through the World Cup we have been given a platform on which we are able to share the Good News. God is good!

Last week, we were able to take a few days off and spend time together. We went to a town called Graskop, which is in the province of Mpumalanga. The scenery is beautiful there, and it was the perfect place for us to relax and unwind. We took one day to do some white-water rafting; that was a lot of fun!

Now we are back, ready and refreshed for all of the upcoming ministry that is now upon us. We are thankful for the time we had to relax, and we are thankful for the time we have to spread the love of Jesus!